Finding Answers to Why You Binge Eat

You’ve probably come up with, and tried, lots ideas for how you can avoid binge eating. They all sound great and like they’ll really work for you, but then they don’t.

So, you start swirling in your mind. There’s so many questions you have about why it didn’t work.

Why can’t I just eat one or two?

Why do I eat so quickly?

Why do I keep doing this to myself?

Your answer – “I don’t know.”

That’s your answer every time. That you don’t know.

This isn’t going to help you, this is going to stall you.

Look at those questions above. Or if you don’t ask yourself those ones, think about the ones that you do ask.

Then come up with an answer for each. Take a guess. Search your brain for it.

You have all the answers.

When I coach my clients, I don’t tell them the answers, I have them find them for themselves. I just ask the right questions and don’t accept “I don’t know.”

You shouldn’t either.

If after you binge you find yourself asking all kinds of questions about why you do what you do, write those questions down and answer them.

Then write down what you think the answer might be.

Don’t leave the questions unanswered.

In order to stop binge eating and break your bad eating habits, you have to first know why you’re doing it. Only then can you come up with a solution. You have to treat the cause, not the symptom.

If you question why you can’t only have one and your answer is that you’re not satisfied with one, then you can take the next step and figure out how you can be satisfied with just one.

But if you keep saying you don’t know why, then you’ll never be able to take the next step towards making a change.

If you question why you eat so quickly and your answer is because you feel an urgency when you eat, then you can figure out how to change that urgent feeling.

Without answering it and saying you don’t know why you eat quickly, you’ll just be stuck eating quickly without a solution.

Notice when you’re spiraling around questions. Stop the spiral by answering them. You have the answers, you just need to take a moment and look for them.

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