Why Your Search for Comfort Keeps You Binge Eating

Imagine you’re sitting there, considering whether you’re going to eat or not.

You’re not hungry, but you want to eat.

Maybe you’re feeling stressed, maybe you’re feeling a craving for a certain food, or maybe you’re feeling an urge to eat and it doesn’t even matter what you eat.

The longer you sit there with this feeling or this urge, the more uncomfortable it becomes.

So you eat because you don’t want to feel it anymore. Or you eat before it even becomes unbearable because you predict that it will.

You eat because you don’t want to feel uncomfortable.

Eating is comfortable. Eating relieves you from the discomfort of negative emotions or from feeling an urge to eat.

When you binge, you’re in your comfort zone.

Being comfortable sounds like a great idea, but it also means you’re staying exactly where you are.

It means you’re not growing or evolving into the person you aspire to be.

If you keep reaching for comfortableness, you’ll never change.
You have to step into discomfort.

You have to allow discomfort.

Feeling stressed, or a craving, or an urge is uncomfortable. It’s definitely not in your comfort zone.

This is exactly why you should feel all of these and more.

It’s time to be comfortable feeling uncomfortable.

Right now you’re probably used to feeling something uncomfortable and immediately running away from it.


Stay with it.

When you’re uncomfortable, that is where the magic happens.

That is where you become a new person.

You create a new comfort zone, one where you can feel anything and you don’t need to eat because of it.

It’s a beautiful place to be.

I challenge you to feel uncomfortable.

See what it’s like since you’ve probably never really experienced it for very long.

Then get used to it because this is how you’re going to stop binge eating my friend.

This is how you’re going to achieve any goal you have in your life!

“Discomfort is the currency to your dream life,” – Brooke Castillo.

Want your dream life? Start by allowing yourself to feel uncomfortable.

I’m going to be honest, this is not an easy thing to do so if you’d like some help, book a free mini session with me so we can talk about what you’re having the most trouble with and I can give you some personalized guidance.

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How To Not Binge Eat Tonight

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