Ep #345: If You Don’t Have a Good Eating Track Record

Is your eating track record not good? Mine wasn’t either. And if it’s not, it can be hard to believe that you’ll be able to change how you’re eating and stop binge eating.

But, you can change, regardless of your track record. Why? Listen in to find out.

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  • What it means if you don’t have a good track record with eating
  • What a track record is and isn’t useful for
  • How to create a new track record

Awesome Free Stuff!
FREE TRAINING: Stop Feeling Urges to Binge Eat


Hi! I’m doing a free training next Wednesday, March 19th of 2025, and it’s called Stop Feeling Urges to Binge Eat.

So if you’re wanting to stop feeling urges to binge eat, come to the training! It will be at 3pm ET and it will be recorded if you can’t make it live but you’ll need to be registered to access the recording. But if you can make it live, you’ll be able to ask me questions in the Q&A at the end so come live if you can.

In this training, you’re going to figure out the specific reasons for why you personally feel urges to binge eat, you’ll learn how you’re going to stop feeling your urges to binge eat, and I’ll walk you through how you’re going to work through an urge to binge if you feel on e because as you’re working on stopping feeling them, you might feel them. And it’s going to be really helpful for you to know how to handle them and not binge if you feel one.

So, you can register for the training now by going to coachkir.com/training. Again, it’s free and there will be a recording available for a limited-time that you can only access if you’re registered. So go register now so you don’t forget.

Urges are such an important piece of stopping binge eating so let’s talk in depth about all things urges.

Alright, now onto today’s topic, if you don’t have a good track record with your eating.

What a track record is is basically a record of your past performance and we usually use the record as an indicator for future performance.

So basically you use what you’ve done, or not done in the past to determine what you will do and what will happen for you in the future.

You might look at your past failed attempts at stopping binge eating, and say your track record shows a series of failing without any lasting success, and then make that mean that you will continue to have series of failing without lasting success.

You think your future will be the same as your past.

You think your track record shows what you will continue to do.

And what happens when you think this way?

You don’t even try to make your future different.

You just assume the same will keep happening, as if it’s inevitable, because that’s what your track record has shown you.

It shows you that you can’t do it.

But does it really?

Is that what it is showing you?

I don’t believe it is.

My track record with eating was terrible.

I couldn’t get myself to stop binge eating for over a decade.

I tried so many times and I failed so many times.

What I could have done was say, “Well, look at my track record. Clearly I can’t do this,” then I’d feel defeated, and then just give up on trying.

That’s what too many people do.

And I’m not going to say that I never thought that way. Sometimes I did.

But, had I always thought that way, had I consistently thought that was how it was going to be, I never would have stopped binge eating.

Because, I wouldn’t have even tried to.

If I believed my track record proved I can’t do it, there would have been no point in trying.

But I did try because I didn’t always see it that way.

Sometimes, I believed that I could change, no matter what my track record looked like.

And this is why.

The track record doesn’t show you what you’re capable of doing. It only shows you what you haven’t done yet.

That’s how it needs to be interpreted.

I was talking to a friend who was feeling really doubtful that she’d find long-lasting love. And she said to me, “Well, look at my track record!” As if her past relationship history would prove to me that she won’t be able to find someone.

But I didn’t buy that.

I don’t believe that she won’t be able to find someone just because she hasn’t yet.

I believe that if she keeps putting in effort to meet people, she will find someone.

And part of the reason why I believe that is because I also had a bad track record for dating.

She and I have different pasts but, like her, I hadn’t been successful at finding my forever person.

And just like with my eating, there were times when I questioned whether I’d find someone after years of failing to.

But, because I didn’t give up, and because I kept coming back to believing that my track record didn’t mean anything, I kept looking and I finally found someone that I can see myself spending forever with.

I didn’t let my track record mean that it couldn’t happen for me.

And that’s what you need to do too with your eating track record.

What has happened doesn’t need to keep happening.

You can change.

You can try new things, make different decisions, talk to yourself differently, learn to handle your emotions differently, change your perspectives, and in doing that, you will create different results than you did in your past.

You will start a new track record that is indicative of what you’re doing now that is different from what you were doing in your past.

So instead of looking to your past to determine what will happen for you in the future, learn from your past.

That’s how to use your past in the most effective way. Not as a predictor but as an opportunity to understand yourself and to learn.

You can explore what you did that created your past results. And then, what you can do differently to create different results so your future is different.

And then you can do something different to start a new track record.

You can change your track record.

You can start down a new track.

You can change no matter how long you haven’t been successful at changing.

You just need to do something different.

Choose anything from 300+ episodes of this podcast.

Come to the free training I’m doing next week or watch the recording of it and you might get a new idea of something to do.

There is something you can do differently to create different results.

Believe that, because it’s true.

Alright, now you go do something different because you can change, no matter what you track record looks like. Also, make sure you register for the free training by going to coachkir.com/training and, I will talk to you again soon. Bye bye!


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Ready for a

binge-free night?

When you feel an urge to binge, you may think eating is your only option. But it’s not. In 3 simple steps you can get through your urges without eating and feeling empowered and proud.

Ready for a

binge-free night?

When you feel an urge to binge, you may think eating is your only option. But it’s not. In 3 simple steps you can get through your urges without eating and feeling empowered and proud.

How To Not Binge Eat Tonight

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