I write a lot about how to not binge eat, which is of course the ultimate goal, but as you’re working towards that, binges are probably going to happen.
Most people don’t succeed at anything without failing on the way there.
So expect to fail.
You probably didn’t want to hear that, but it’s pretty much inevitable so you can either get all pissed off when it happens or you can accept it.
Failing doesn’t mean you’ll never be able to do it, that you’re not capable, or that you should just give up.
What failing does mean is that what you tried didn’t work.
That’s it.
Now you can learn from it.
Failures are meant to be learned from, they are not meant to mean terrible things about yourself.
Failures make you stronger and more knowledgeable about yourself and build up your skillset.
Simply put, failing is important and useful.
Next time you binge, skip the part where you beat yourself up afterward and get to work.
Ask yourself these questions, and don’t settle for, “I don’t know” as an answer.
Why did I start?
Why did I keep going?
Why did I finally stop?
Make sure you actually write out your answers instead of just doing it in your head. I also suggest writing more than just one sentence. Really take a good look at what your thoughts and feelings where in those moments.
Once you know the answers to these questions, you will gain insight into the cause of why you binge. Then once you know the cause you can work on a solution.
Never skip the part where you figure out what went wrong.
I know we tend to want to just forget about the whole thing, but don’t do it!
Every binge you have is a chance for you to learn something about yourself and why you do what you do.
Don’t miss out on that opportunity.
Speaking of opportunities, have you signed up for your free mini session with me yet? Those who’ve done one have gained great insight into why they are still binge eating and what they can do about it. Go ahead and sign up for yours here!