How To Feel Motivated To Stop Binge Eating

After you binge eat, you might feel a spark of motivation to never do it again, to be better tomorrow.

Then when tomorrow comes, or next week or however often you’re doing it, the motivation is gone.

What happened? Where did it go?

Do you ever wonder where your motivation went and how you can find it again?

When people are trying to find their motivation, I like to picture someone who is literally searching everywhere to get it back. They look in the couch cushions (then sit on them when they don’t find it) or in the fridge (and then eat what’s inside when they still don’t find it).

They’re clearly looking in the wrong places.

I know sometimes you can read motivational quotes, look at pictures or watch videos that will spark motivation in you, but why is it that you can look at the same ones day after day yet sometimes you feel motivated by them and sometimes you don’t?

It’s not the quotes, pictures, or videos motivating you, it’s you.

Motivated is a feeling, and what causes our feelings?

Our thoughts!

It’s how you think about them that make you feel motivated.

They are just inspiration for the thoughts that come up when you look at them.

If your thinking isn’t inline with what those quotes, pictures or videos are trying to say, then that motivated feeling isn’t going to stick.

You can’t just say mantras every day that you don’t really believe. You can’t trick yourself into believing them.

So then what are you supposed to do?

First thing, you must uncover what’s causing you to feel unmotivated in the first place – what’s blocking you from feeling motivated.

“This isn’t working,” “I’m doomed to be like this forever,” or “I can’t do this.”

Do you have any thoughts that sound like these and do they make you feel motivated?

I assume they don’t.

So let’s get to the bottom of this:

Is what you’re doing not working?

First make sure you’re giving it a solid shot and not giving up because it didn’t work the one or two times you tried it. Maybe you just need to make a little tweak.

I recently decided to try a new eating plan and a couple days in I was not feeling up to par. I was thinking maybe it wasn’t right for my body. Then I made one simple tweak and now I feel sooo much better.

I didn’t give up just because it didn’t work right away.

You may be one simple tweak away from finding out that the method you’re using now is what will work best for you.

And if what you’re doing really isn’t going to work for you, there is another way to try that will work for you. You just gotta find it.

Are you doomed to be like this forever?

If you think this way, then you will be. I’m going to tell you right now, you’re not!

Oh, and the big one – I can’t do this.

Yes, you can. Yes. You. Can.

How great does it feel to think this will work, you will not be like this forever, or that you can do this?

So great! Those are some motivating thoughts right there!

But only if you truly believe them.

Before you start searching the world for ways to get motivated, search yourself for what it is that’s holding you back.

Then you can work your way around those mental obstacles to get yourself back on the motivated track.

What limiting beliefs do you have about your abilities?

Whatever they are, they’re not true. You are way more capable than you think you are.

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Ready for a

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How To Not Binge Eat Tonight

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