Dealing With Urges to Binge Eat Part 2 – Your Thoughts

The is part 2 of my 3-part Dealing With Your Urges to Binge Eat series.

In Part 1, I talked about how when the urge to binge eat strikes, there are the thoughts that come with the urge and the thoughts you get to choose.

This post is about those thoughts you choose.

Yes, you get to choose your thoughts.

Instilling new thoughts isn’t typically as easy as just flipping a switch, but it can be done with practice.

First though, you must become aware of what your current thoughts are and understand the impact they’re having on your life.

To help you do that, I’m going to explain one of the main tools I use with my clients:

The thought model.

It begins with a circumstance, which is a neutral fact, something like, “I ate food.”

You then have a thought about that circumstance, which could be, “It was too much,” and that thought creates a feeling.

That feeling then drives your action.

So the fact that you ate food won’t cause you to feel or do anything, but your thought about it, that it was too much, will.

When an urge is present, thinking something like, “The urge is too powerful,” could make you feel powerless, driving you to just give in to it and binge.

But since the urge can’t actually force you to eat, it has no power until you give it some with how you think about it and how you think about it is a choice.

Being aware of your thoughts is so important because how you’re thinking will ultimately determine whether or not you’ll give in to that urge.

Take note of the thoughts you tend to think that give power to the urge.

Understand how those thoughts make you feel and what actions those feelings cause you to take.

I know this can get tricky so if you want extra help with this or just want to speed up the process to end your binge eating, let’s work together!

If you’re interested in one on one coaching over the phone, email me at or you can schedule a free mini session.

The next and last part of dealing with urges to binge eat is crucial so don’t go away just yet!

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