A Breakup Without A Binge

A client of mine just broke up with her boyfriend.

Two weeks ago, she told me she had to do it that week and was of course, very upset about it.

During our last session, she told me she did it and she also told me some amazing news.

Even though she was sad, upset, and hurt, she didn’t binge.

It’s not that she didn’t want to. I mean, who doesn’t want to use a sad break up as an excuse to drown their sorrows in food?

It was not easy for her to say no to food and say no to a big binge, but she came up with a great reason to do both.

He had already hurt her, the reason why she had to break up with him, and she wasn’t going to let him hurt her any further.

She didn’t want him to be the cause of a binge.

So she chose to not do it.

What I loved so much about this was that she proved to herself that no matter how sad she was, and no matter how hurt she felt, she didn’t have to allow those feelings to push her into a binge.

She didn’t allow his actions to give her an excuse to hurt herself.

She chose instead to do something good for herself and take care of herself instead of making it all worse.

Binge eating doesn’t make a break up any easier. It can in fact do the opposite because whatever negative thoughts and feelings you’re having about yourself, your self-worth, and what you deserve, will all be intensified.

Even when you’re not in a break up situation and you binge this still happens.

How many times have you binged and then thought you’re not worthy of love, happiness, normal eating habits, or anything else?

Well, I just want to say that no matter what, even if you do binge, you are worthy of all those things and more.

My client here created fantastic evidence for herself that she is in charge of her eating decisions no matter what’s going on in her life.
She is no different from you, you have the same capabilities.

No matter how bad you feel, you can always find a reason to not binge.

Find those reasons, remind yourself of them, and choose to do something good for for yourself instead of making it worse.

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