A six month group coaching program where you’ll create your ideal eating habits and your ideal life.
Register now, get immediate access to The Stop Binge Eating Course, and the program will officially begin on April 9th
EARLY SIGN-UP BONUS: Register by March 24th at 12pm ET and you’ll get a FREE 30 minute one-on-one session during the week of March 24th.
A six month group coaching program where you’ll create your ideal eating habits and your ideal life
Register now, get immediate access to The Stop Binge Eating Course, and the program will officially begin on April 9TH
EARLY SIGN-UP BONUS: Register by March 24th at 12pm ET and you’ll get a FREE 30 minute one-on-one session during the week of March 24th.
You look at other people who can stop eating so easily and wonder why you can’t do that.
You think about food and eating way too much.
You hate how you feel after you binge, and you know how you’re going to feel yet, you keep doing it.
You might worry that you’re broken or that this is just how you are.
You are not broken and this is not just how you are.
I binge ate for OVER 10 years
I would sneak food, hide food bags and packages, go to two drive-thrus in a row (maybe three), buy food pretending I was buying it for more people than just myself, and while with friends I would think about eating more, alone at home, after I would leave them.
Although there were some moments of hope in that decade, there were many times when I felt hopeless.
I thought that I was just dealt the hand of being a binge eater and it was something I’d have to learn to deal with for the rest of my life.
I tried to stop but the methods I found didn’t work for me long-term.
Distraction techniques and dieting were not the answer.
The answer was in changing ME.
I had to change how I handled my urges to binge, my emotions, and my life and change how I thought about my body, my weight, and food.
Do you ever do any of these?
If you don't know why you do these things, it's time to to learn why.
You feel an urge and you want relief, you want to stop feeling the discomfort of the urge, so you eat to make that happen.
But that relief is short-lived and what you end up feeling is probably worse than how the urge felt.
For one of two reasons (or both):
When you stop overly restricting yourself, and stop using eating as a way to feel better or as your main source of entertainment, you will stop feeling urges to binge.
If there’s no urge to binge, you won’t feel the need to binge.
In my Stop Binge Eating Group Program I teach you how to do this, step by step.
What makes my approach different?
It’s about realizing your self-control that you never actually lost (I repeat, you are never truly out of control) and learning how to make better eating decisions, ones that will benefit your well-being and long-term health rather than ones that will only benefit you in that moment.
You get to decide what kind of relationship you want to have with food and create that in your life!
A six month, group coaching program that will give you a step by step process and the tools you need to change your relationship with food forever.
A six month, group coaching program that will give you a step by step process and the tools you need to change your relationship with food forever.
The Stop Binge Eating Course
This course will teach you how to stop binge eating, step by step, in a structure that I’ve found to be the best course of action for stopping binge eating.
You’ll get 8 modules with videos and worksheets that cover all the most common topics that come up when people are working on stopping binge eating. You’ll learn new concepts, tools, tips, and dive deeper into tools and concepts you may have already heard about on the podcast. Not only will you learn what to do but you’ll also learn how to do it.
You will get access to the course as soon as you register and you will be able to access it until the program ends.
Group Coaching Calls
Get live coaching on any topic and also hear other people get coached. Calls are scheduled a minimum of 4 times per month and the times will vary days and times to accommodate people’s schedules and time zones around the world.
If you’re not able to make it to a call live, it’s not a problem. They’ll be recorded so you can listen at your convenience and still gain so much just from listening. When hearing other people get coached, you’ll still get the benefits of coaching but from a different perspective and sometimes it can be easier to understand concepts and tools when you’re hearing them be applied to someone else.
Unlimited Written Coaching
Private One on One Coaching
You will get a total of four 15 minute one-on-one coaching sessions (one for each month of the program). It may not seem like a lot of time but SO MUCH can be accomplished in 15 minutes. Each month you’ll be able to pick a time that works for you, within the availability I offer. You can get coaching on any topic that you need help with, and you’ll walk away feeling better, knowing exactly what to do next, and how you’ll do it.
Joy Food Eating Workshops
When it’s just you, it can be too easy to flake on the work and fall off track. So in this program, I’ll be holding you accountable. If I don’t hear from you, you’ll hear from me. Also, if you want, you can meet with other members of the group on a regular basis to check-in, create goals, and hold each other accountable.
You’ll also be in a community with other people who are going to say, “I do that too” and “me too.” It will feel so good to be around people who understand you when you may have felt so misunderstood with this problem for so long.
You’ll feel connected instead of isolated. You’ll hear other people’s stories that you relate to and know you’re not the only one.
You can be as anonymous or as open as you’d like. You can share your picture and be on video or never show your face at all.
You can share all the details or be vague. Your comfort is a top priority.
You get all of this, learning, support, help with applying, and time to really sharpen your skills with me by your side.
Let me help you…
If something in your life is a 10, or close to it, then you’ll do anything to make it happen. If your car broke down today and it cost $1597 to fix it, would you be able to come up with the money? If having a car is that important to you, you would. If this work is extremely import to you, and you believe my method is what will work for you, you can find a way to make it work.
You’ve tried listening to podcasts, reading books, doing all kinds of diets, and none of that has worked. Maybe now is the time you work with a coach directly.
When you do this work on your own, you can’t always see exactly what the problem is or what the solutions are. A coach, who is outside of your mind, can offer a difference perspective and can see other options, strategies, and solutions that you might not be able to see.
Most likely it’s that you are still binge eating and spent all that money. But guess what, you’re already doing that! You’re binge eating and spending all this money on binge foods. The only difference is that if you invest in this program you’re at least giving yourself the opportunity to be successful. You’re not hoping and wishing, you’re doing.
Also remember that no matter what you spend your money on, whether it be binge foods or this program, you will get more money. You’re not born with a pot of money that’s once’s it’s gone it’s gone. You will make more. What you won’t get more of though is time. Don’t waste any more time binge eating than you have already.
Think about how your life would better if you did stop binge eating. How would you feel? What would you be doing? THAT’s what not doing this would cost you. You’d miss out on that life, on feeling how you want to feel, and on being the person you want to be.
Feel free to email info@coachkir.com and we’ll be happy to answer anything.
Be the first to know when the program opens and get helpful tips via email until it does!